Sunday, June 20, 2010

Happy Fathers' Day

I wasn't going to post, but hey, why not.

No breakfast -- fast on Sunday mornings until communion.

Had a small-ish bag of Lay's Southern Sweet and Hot Barbecue chips, a bottle of Lime Izze and a cool cucumber sandwich. Oh, and a candy bar too.

No dinner -- fasting for tests and possible surgery tomorrow.

Had a nice day at home after church with the family. Got a gift cert for a massage. Can't wait to use it.


Saturday, June 19, 2010

It's Late

It's late. I need to go to bed. I've got a sermon in the morning. :)

The long and the short is... I did pretty well all day, until post dinner.

The wife made Rice Krispy treats. They were as expected, delicious. I ate too much and ended up going 91 over the calorie intake for the day.

As I am only having one meal tomorrow, I decided (after dinner) to go ahead and have another half of a RK Treat and after a while was still hungry so I ate a bowl of Special K.

All in all, we're looking about 250 calories over.

Plus, I didn't make it to the gym; however, I worked outside for three hours this morning at the church -- not a whole lot of exercise, but moderate amounts and enough for good calorie burning.

That's it.


Friday, June 18, 2010

Well Don't That Beat All

Again, I had every intention of having a good day, but alas... I didn't get to sleep until around 4:30 or 5 a.m. So, I didn't make it to the gym or do much else I had planned to today.

I did eat well -- for the first two meals. Then I went to the doctor and had an x-ray which also kept me from getting to the gym.

Guess what. I've got a kidney stone that appears to me (through the x-ray) to be about as big as the end of my little finger. YEOUCH.

I've got to go in Monday morning for an IVP test to make sure that kidney is working properly. Fun, fun. Since I've got to have an IVP and possible lithotripsy which means I can't eat after 2 p.m. Sunday, and only liquids until midnight.

Sunday is out for the "free day", and Saturday is a "work day" at the church so it won't be all that "free".

We had decided to take the kids to Cici's Pizza tonight to celebrate new belts (in Tae Kwon Do), so I chose to just have fun and eat whatever I wanted tonight and take Saturday as a regular 1600 calorie day.

With that said, here's what I ate:
Breakfast: 180
Smoothie -- 180
Banana 1/2 55
Blueberries 1/4 C 44
Figs 3 63
Plain yogurt 2 T 18

Lunch: 290
Tuna Sandwich -- 150
Tuna salad 73
Zucchini 5 pieces 10
Red Pepper pieces 2
Whole wheat bread 1 slice 65
Tortilla chips (~9 chips) 140

TOTAL so far: 470

Sweet! I had plenty of room for more food.

So, at dinner, I had way more than I should have. I think it was seven slices of pizza with various toppings, 4 cinnamon rolls (I know, I know) and 2 small brownies.

At least I drank water right?

Anyway, that was my free day. Tomorrow is quite a different story as I'll be working outside in that awful heat from about 9 a.m. to around 1 p.m.

The nice thing about this whole kidney stone thing is that at least I'm not crazy, and I truly have a reason for being in this much pain. But, the whole process frustrates me. I wish these kidney stones would just go away.

Thursday, June 17, 2010

A Pain in the...

I got up early enough to get to work on time, but I had to take some of the kids with me, 'cause the wife had to go to a doctor's appointment early. I didn't make it to the gym today. :(

I did manage to keep the calorie total under 1600 though.

Turkey bacon 3 pieces 75
Bread (slightly toasted -- in a hurry) 1 slice 65
Jif peanut butter 1T 95 (awfully high in calories)

Wendy's Spicy Chicken Sandwich (Okay, I absolutely love these. I could live on these... well, probably not, but I do love 'em.) I had them hold the mayo so I could use some of my own "olive oil" mayo. 1 sandwich 420
Kraft Olive Oil Mayo 1T 45
Swiss Cheese 1 slice 80

Special K 1C 120
Milk 1/2 C 75
Swiss cheese 1 slice 80

Dinner: (We had homemade tacos -- store bought shells of course.)
Taco shell 2 shells 100
Ground chuck 3 oz 20
Black beans 1/4C 55
Mozzarella cheese 1/4C 160

TOTAL: 1579
So, not bad, and I enjoyed myself with the spicy chicken sandwich with my own mayo and swiss cheese. The cheese didn't add a lot, but it gave the sandwich a subtle undercurrent which detracted from the spiciness, which I found pleasant.

What's with the title? Well, I almost lost dinner on the way home from a book sale we attended out of town. Kidney started to hurt -- hoping it's only a stone now. I felt so bad though I almost vomited while driving. Not fun... It was a real pain in the... kidney! :)

Wednesday, June 16, 2010

A Muffin Too Far

Got up this morning and had a pleasant surprise as I prepared to go to the gym -- a chocolate chip banana muffin. It was excellent and quite yummy, and at 165 calories, hard to beat.

I got to the gym and had a nice workout -- 210 calories used up today. Not too bad for a 20 minute workout.

Chocolate chip banana muffin 165

Late morning snack:
another muffin 165

Cool cucumber sandwich (inspired by Shenanigans at Sewanee) 425
Bagel 230
Neufchatel 2T 70
Provolone 1 slice 80
Ranch dressing 1/2T 45
Cucumber 0

Late afternoon snack:
another muffin! (such a bad boy, I know) 165
Jif peanut butter 2t 63

Basil, Chicken and Bow Tie Pasta (2 servings cause this stuff is awesome) 374

After Dinner:
Blueberries 1/2 C 88
Banana 1/2 55
Figs 3 63
Young coconut oil 1T 117
Spirulina 1t 10
Vanilla yogurt 1T 25

TOTAL: 1715

WHOOPS! I went over. We can attribute it to either a muffin 165 calories or the young coconut oil in the smoothie (117). I figure the oil. See I thought it would be nice to go ahead and get those good fats in, and the coconut oil is supposed to stimulate a higher metabolism as well.


I'm not perfect, and I'm not all that ashamed as I've been feeling poorly anyway -- probably due to the kidney problems -- stones, I'm pretty sure.

At least I didn't indulge in the middle of the night as I really wanted to.... :)

Tuesday, June 15, 2010

Please Hold the Tomatoes

From my youth, I have always despised fresh tomatoes. I would never eat them or entertain the thought of them. Occasionally, I would allow some ketchup on a hot dog or perhaps dip my fries in some. I loved pizza, spaghetti, lasagna and the like with tomato sauce, but that was "different."

For the last few years, I've slowly surrendered ground to tomatoes -- I've become a huge fan of salsas, and I don't mind fresh tomatoes finely chopped in moderation on my tacos. Occasionally, I will even allow a little tomato on a sandwich.

Today I did something I thought I'd never do. I ate a BLT. Yep... a real bacon, lettuce and tomato sandwich; although, the bacon was turkey bacon. I used to enjoy BLs... but I despised tomatoes.

I can't say I love tomatoes now, but this step has taken me to a whole new level -- oh yeah, check out what I had for dinner....

Smoothie (I love smoothies.)
Blueberries 1/2 C 88
Banana 1/2 55
Vanilla yogurt 1 T 25
Young coconut oil 1 T 117
Lemon 1/2 30
Spirulina 1t 7
Stevia 1 packet 0
Water 1 1/2 C

Water 2 C

Whole wheat bread 2 slices 130
Turkey bacon 2 slices 50
Tomato 1 slice 10
Spinach 10 leaves 20
Mayo (Kraft olive oil based) 2 T 90

Blueberries 1/2 C 88

Doritos (taco flavored) 1 serving 150
Ritz 2 crackers 32
Jif peanut butter 1 t 32

Whole wheat tortilla 1 large 121
Tomato sauce 3 T 24
Canadian bacon 2 slices 89
Red pepper handful chopped 7
Zucchini 10 slices 20
Mozzarella 1/2 C 320
Basil 1 t 0
Tomatoes smidgen chopped 5
Chives dash chopped 0
Ground black pepper 0
Ground red pepper 0

Yoplait Yoplus Yogurt, Blackberry/Pomegranate 110

TOTAL: 1606

So, I was a few over today. Ouch. Well, not bad, I don't think.

Anyway, the tortizza was awesome. Wife's idea. We each made our own along with the kids. They had a blast making them. I'll try to add a picture later. Oh, and notice -- I had fresh tomato -- warmed in the oven -- on the pizza too. The wife picked a big, juicy one up at the farmers' market today, along with some other good veggies.

I did work out this morning and supposedly burned 214 calories. It was a good workout, and I look forward to tomorrow.

Fr. B+

Monday, June 14, 2010

First Report on the Blog: The Spirit is Willing

Scripture relates that "the spirit is willing, but the flesh is weak."

I went to bed last night intending to get up in the morning and work out. As I prepared for bed, I was quite nauseous and spent the night feeling nauseous -- waking up several times with an upset stomach.

Well, this morning, I woke up and still had the problem stomach. In fact, I ended up staying home from work (you know going into the office to accomplish a few things, write letters, prepare for next week's service, etc.) So, while I wanted to go work out, my flesh pretty well pushed me into not doing so.

I didn't do too poorly on my diet; although, that may be a result of my lack of a desire for breakfast.

All told though I made it under the 1600 limit.

2 slices whole wheat bread 130
tuna salad 1/3 can (1 can + 2T olive oil mayo, garlic powder, ground black pepper) 73
Swiss cheese 2 pieces 160

Doritos (Taco flavored) 2 servings 300

White bread 1 slice 65
Strawberry jam 1T 50

Oven-roasted chicken leg quarter 290
Roasted Russet Potato 1/2 large 131
Roasted Sweet Potato 1/4 large 25

Vanilla Ice Cream 1/2 C 150

Swiss cheese 1 slice 80
TOTAL: 1454

I have definite ideas about eating right and what good food is. I'll probably explore that much more as the blog continues, but it's late and I want to go to bed, so I'll just comment a little about what I ate today.

Normally, I would not eat white bread, but the kids were eating it at lunch, and I desperately wanted something sweet -- so I had a half-Strawberry jam sandwich.

Dinner was very good. The wife made wonderful roasted chicken with vegetables. Since this was our first day of Summer, the children were glad to have some dessert with the ice cream, and I carefully calculated that I had enough calories to have a serving as well. It was yummy.

Mission and Prepwork

So, for the last few months I've been counting calories and limiting them slowly but surely. My goal is to limit my daily caloric intake to 1600 with the exception of one day a week.

Previously I was using Sunday as my "free" day, but as our church has done away with the after-service luncheons for a while, I plan to move that day to Saturday.

In addition to the calorie counting, I also am attempting to drink at least seven or eight cups of water each day.

For exercise, I am doing the "Body for Life" twenty minute aerobic exercise on an elliptical walker. With each session I burn around 200 calories. I have been doing that now, almost daily (with the exception of my free days) for two weeks.


I have several goals or missions. Ultimately, I hope to get down to about 150 pounds, give or take ten, depending on how my musculature is, etc. At the moment of this writing, I am too heavy -- 235 pounds.

I have some short and long term goals. Here they are:

1) Seeing as my wife is expecting a baby in August, I would like to be 220 pounds by August 1. I think I can get there if I am consistent.

2) My goal for after the baby is born is to be 200 pounds by January 1, 2011.

3) Next stage will be to get to 180 pounds by April 1, 2011. The 180 pounds was a goal suggested by my doctor. I know I can pull it off. It will just take commitment and time.

4) Finally, I want to reach 150 pounds by August 1, 2011. Again, I don't think that's too lofty a goal. Let's see how it goes.

The problem I encounter is that being a father of five it is very difficult to eat the way I "should" all the time -- kids are generally picky eaters, and "calorie-dense" food is often times more convenient than the good stuff.

Also, as a priest, I am frequently invited to participate in events where I am exposed to lots of food and expected to eat at least some of everything served. I have to find a way not only to manage what I eat, but graciously to decline things that do not fit into my dietary needs.

I will put a post up later today to give my first calorie count of the blog.

First Post Here


I intend for this blog to be about my personal journey towards a healthier life. Specifically, I am going to blog daily on how many calories I eat and the exercise I engage in so to track what I'm doing.

As a minister, I know it's important to be healthy. Over the last several years I have not been diligent in taking good care of my body. The last few months I have been getting better at it. In the past few weeks I've gotten a membership to a local gym and have been good about counting calories.

So, here we go.