Tuesday, September 27, 2011

Hungry (Day 9 of 60)

I still want to eat so many things. The fast food is still calling as well as some other foods. The neighbor gave us a pot roast tonight – it smelled so good. She apparently cooked it with more pepper than Nancy normally does. I so want to try it. *sigh*

I’m looking forward to getting to a “proper” weight. Then I can actually begin to enjoy my food again. I’ll just have to watch my calories and maintain a decent exercise regimen. I don’t want to eat the “bad” foods often, but the draw to them right now is so strong. How annoying.

On the flip side, I’ve really enjoyed the spinach. I had it a couple of times today in my lunch and evening juices. It went really well.

So I got up, drank two cups of water, went on a walk with the eldest and then went to workout. After the workout, I juiced.
After Workout Juice
Empire Apples (3)
Navel Orange (1)
Lime (1)
Red Grapes (about one and a half cups)
This juice was excellent. My only “complaint” was that it was a bit acidic and burned a little going down. I think I’m fighting off a cold or something as well. #3 had what amounted to about a 48 hours runny nose/low grade fever. Perhaps that’s trying to get me too. Although, I’m getting so many micronutrients, I don’t think it’s gonna work. *grin*

During the lunch hour, I went to my first area ecumenical pastor’s meeting. I was supposed to bring my own lunch, so I brought a Poland Spring lime-infused sparkling water. I showed up without a lunch, and straight-away someone offered me a half of a Subway sandwich. I had to decline. Then they started passing around the cookies. ARGH! I just passed them on.

I got home in the late afternoon and fixed a juice.
Late Afternoon Juice
Spinach (2 large handfuls)
Green Cabbage Leaves (2)
Empire Apples (2)
Carrot (1)
Celery (2 stalks)
Lemon (1)
Zucchini (one half large)
It tasted okay. The spinach does not have a bad flavor.

Anyway, after that I helped the wife by putting a chicken breast on to boil. When it was cooked she put it in the fridge, and we ran to Wal-Mart to get some things for #3, who had to go to dance.

After dance, I was able to fix myself a juice.
After Dance Juice
Spinach (1 large handful)
Carrot (1)
Empire Apples (2)
Navel Orange (1)
Lime (1)
This one was pretty good. The spinach kind of faded into the full flavor of the rest. I’d recommend this one. Truthfully, the fruit helps.

That’s it for now.

It’s nice to know someone’s reading, so feel free to make a comment. Nice or informative comments are appreciated. Mean ones will probably get deleted.



  1. hang in there! Your will power is amazing.
    Donna Jo

  2. Mean ones?! Really? Who needs more meanness in the world?! Nope... veg on!
